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How can you get involved in the Arts @ UMD?

There is a thriving arts community at UMD, and many opportunities for you to get involved.  Below you will find information on a few of the arts organizations on campus.  We encourage you to explore these spaces and think about how you will contribute to the arts at UMD.

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center


The Clarice is the University of Maryland's performing arts center.  Housed in the College of Arts and HumanitiesThe Clarice is committed to collaboration and the creation and support of new work that further advances our knowledge and understanding, working in its creative radius.  The Clarice hosts performances, the NextNow Fest, and the Concert in Close Quarters, all of which are a part of your experience in Arts Scholars.

Studio A


Studio A, is an interactive center encouraging the self-expression and self-development of the UMD community. They offer a creative outlet for students, faculty/staff, and community members via non-credit courses in the arts. Through weekly classes and workshops, they provide the opportunity to learn new skills, explore a topic, or pursue a creative passion. 

The John and Stella Graves Makerspace


Located in the Terrapin Learning Commons on the second floor of McKeldin Library, The Makerspace allows visitors to experiment with emerging technologies, create 3D models and 3D printed prototypes, digitize legacy media, and create your own podcast!  

S.E.E. Productions

Student Entertainment Events (S.E.E.) is the principal student programming board responsible for producing and supporting events that entertain, enhance, and inspire a diverse campus culture at the University of Maryland.  S.E.E.'s programming includes films, lectures, comedy, and concerts.

Art Galleries

The University of Maryland is home to not just one, but several visual art galleries.  Showcasing the work of local and visiting artists as well as students, these galleries offer students ways to explore a wide range of creative work.

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